1. We would like to announce a change of direction
2. We believe that this is what the future has to be about
3. We made the decision to rebrand
4. They took a slice of their previous model
5. September will be a busy period of exciting activities
6. We’re moving with the times
7. We’re making a structural shift
8. The world has changed
9. We live in the age of Instagram/Twitter/Facebook
10. We’re differentiating ourselves from the rest
11. We’re focusing on what’s going to matter the most in the future
12. We love design
13. We’re beginning our journey
14. Did you know that?
15. We’re going social
16. We’re one of the movers and shakers
17. Our fans are engaging
18. We’re developing a deep understanding of our audience
19. This is a reflection of the excellent work completed in 2019
20. This is a huge undertaking
21. We’re shaking things up
22. We’ve been successful at raising the many thousands of dollars
23. We’ll know whether we’re heading in the right direction
24. There’s a strong link between our [insert team here] and our marketing team
25. Getting to know our consumers
26. This motto guides us in all we do
27. Being able to reach you directly is important to us
28. That’s how you know whether a brand is listening or not
29. Digital engagement is the new black
30. We’re a powerful and respected industry leader
31. Now we’re encouraging the community to be a part of it
32. Our final step is to deliver a much better experience to you
33. Let us know what you think
34. We dream of a future where you never have to wait for your [insert product here]
35. This has come of age and we now need to think outside the box
36. We’d like to connect with you through at least one digital channel
37. Being bombarded by messages sucks
38. Advertisers are rejoicing, consumers are screaming
39. Your most memorable moments
40. You’re our most important resource
41. We can use the help, so please send your feedback
42. They looked for the right balance
43. The spirit of sharing is what makes us stronger
44. I’m astounded by the results
45. Consumers want to explore your stories
46. We’re hoping to help make life easier
47. Delivering the best products/services is key
48. This is the most phenomenal ever
49. Our agency is attractive
50. Our biggest mistake was not thinking outside the box
51. Pushing the wrong buttons can be good
52. Stop trying to pump content through digital media
53. We want you to use our products with confidence
54. Comments from supporters inspired the change
55. Our brand has a story to share
56. This is a top-of-the-range model
57. These young stars at our company
58. This new technology is wrapped up in the stunning design
59. It can take some time and a bit of effort
60. Being able to mentor our staff is essential to our success
61. Local people and their local stories
62. There’s no room for compromise
63. Our followers want to feel connected
64. Good surveillance adds to our customers’ security
65. We believe in ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’
66. Giveaways and sponsorships help boost our reach
67. We invite all users to submit feedback and ideas
68. They rarely get the opportunity to receive such donations
69. Twelve days of brand-customer bonding
70. We incorporate ideas from around the country
71. A combination of the latest products
72. A melting pot of creativity within our team
73. Customers flocked to the launch
74. We love it when we meet the needs of our consumers
75. It’s not about that; we listen and take action
76. We’re your provider, so we do it your way
77. They told us we’re refreshing to work with
78. What this means in practice is…
79. Fast becoming a thriving community
80. We need all the help we can get, so we’re asking for your views
81. We’re taking this positivity overseas
82. Having received the go-ahead…
83. So, as we launch our campaign
84. It breaks your heart to see
85. We all have a role to play
86. High-quality, reliable products
87. Dedicated to encouraging disadvantaged children
88. We’re identifying some of the smartest candidates
89. We’ve identified talented young people
90. We’re encouraging some very talented creatives
91. Letting employees reach their potential is crucial to a successful project
92. We’ve launched a very aggressive campaign/policy
93. My most amazing experience with this company
94. Our team is joining this quest
95. We aim to become a leading innovator
96. Everyone is on board
97. Much emphasis is placed on service and customer relations
98. We’ll do the right thing
99. Profit margins are slender
100. While playing catch-up, we missed that opportunity
101. Our campaign runs primarily online
That’s it, a long list leaving you enough room to play around with the words. And the next time you’re suffering from writer’s block and need an angle for a story, you can recycle the ones you’ve already used and just re-adjust your angle for the topic at hand.
How to use these brand storytelling ideas
For more on how to use brand storytelling for your business, read my blog post on how to use brand storytelling techniques.
Need help writing your brand story? Don’t be shy. Get in touch today.
Thanks Rhonda for this sensational list. So valuable and now there’s no excuses for not having anything to write about.
Wow, what a list! I’ve pinned this so I can refer back to it 🙂
These are great. I am always on the look out for new phrases etc as I hate using the same sayings over and over again.
Know what I do sometimes? I flick through a magazine, I close my eyes when I see an interesting article, then I do “eenie meenie miney mo” and put my finger on the page. Whatever my finger lands on is the sentence that motivates the next blog post. Give that a go.
WOW Rhonda that is some impressive list!!!! What’s your fav.?
Hi Sally.
I think my fave is “We dream of a future where you never have to wait for your copy” because I’m a book and movie lover and tired of waiting for hardcopies or DVDs to get to Australia. We are ALWAYS behind and if we download it’s illegal.
Brands (publishers and distributors) need to hurry up and catch up with technology.
I am amazed, I got through the list. They were all thought provoking and definitely food for thought.
Thanks, Tamara. I hope they help.
Great list. Have bookmarked for clients.