Sales copywriting tips: How to fight price objections

how to fight price objections copywriting

You know how it goes. There’s always a competitor ready to sell for less. So, if you want to avoid and fight price objections when writing copy for your business, sell the VALUE instead.

Price is what people invest into what you’re offering.

Value is what you give them for it.

So, how do you sell the value to fight price objections?

Quick tips right here:

  • Ensure your marketing only targets your ideal customer – the one who understands the value and quality of what you’re offering.
  • Address their needs and introduce your solutions before you discuss pricing.
  • If possible, make them request a quote. This gives you the chance to explain the value when you respond.
  • Write what you need to write and show what you need to show to give them the confidence to part with their money. No tricks, and avoid sounding ‘scammy’.
  • When possible, provide a guarantee like:

If I could guarantee you ____ in __ months, would it be worth the $___ investment? Here’s what I did for John, I’d like to do the same for you.

You could also simply set yourself a policy that says you’ll never allow prospects to haggle. Decide, upfront, that you’ll refuse to do the same work for less money.

Or, of course, get in touch with me! I know a lot about writing effective sales copy that helps to attract leads and convert them into paying customers…without sounding pushy or salesy.

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