How to make sure your business blog won’t fail (Hint: it’s not a quick fix)

freelance business blogger perth

I previously wrote about reasons many business blogs fail as I wanted to help you determine what you’re doing wrong. Today, I’m sharing ways to improve what you’re doing so you can focus on content that will help your blog survive.

Ready to get started? Here are seven ways to make sure your blog doesn’t fail.

1. Know why you’re starting a blog

If you want to get it ‘right’ from the start, you must know why you’re blogging, and then keep this purpose in mind whenever you type a new blog post.

Here are some quick questions to get you thinking:

  • Do you remember why you wanted to blog?
  • What message do you want to communicate to your readers?
  • Is it relevant to your marketing goals?
  • How will the ideal customer benefit from this blog?
  • What do you want the reader to do after reading each post?
  • What do you want the reader to remember from the post?

If you’re unable to answer these questions, you’re not quite ready to start a business blog.

2. Write for a specific buyer persona

Every business should know their ideal customer. Develop a buyer persona for the customers you’re hoping to attract with your blog post, otherwise you will fail.

Remember, you can’t write for everyone. Think about your ideal customer. What do they want to know? What problems are they complaining about? What solutions can you offer right now?

3. Know your topics and keywords

Think like the customer. Figure out what they’re typing into search engines and on social media.

What questions are they asking? Knowing what they’re asking will give you an idea what to write about. You should try to get this right so when you mention the keywords in your blog posts, Google and other search engines will help users find your content.

So allocate some time for keyword research to find terms common within your target market.

4. Write quality content

With your topics and keywords ready, write quality blog posts… and make sure they’re original. Original doesn’t only mean in your own words. It also means being different.

  • Write from your brand’s perspective.
  • Engage your readers through informative content to demonstrate you’re the right fit for their needs.
  • Don’t be salesy or pushy, otherwise they won’t return.
  • Also look up some tips on how to write a blog post.

Remember to update your blog posts if the information you previously posted is no longer relevant.

5. Create blog post templates

If you find it challenging to structure your blog posts, it’s a good idea to develop a template for each type so you can follow the same flow and layout each time.

Visit some of the blogs you’ve enjoyed reading so you can look for some styles that could work well for your blog.

This is especially important if you’re planning to delegate the blog writing to someone else. Templates will help them meet all your requirements.

6. Make readers take action

Offer your readers several ways to engage with you and to continue the relationship away from the blog. Do this by always including at least one call to action in your blog posts.

You don’t have to ask them to buy anything, but you should make them do something. Your call to action could be an invitation to leave a comment or to contact you.

You can also ask readers to download a free report, to “Like us on Facebook” or to click through to related posts and service pages on your website.

7. Promote your blog posts

Once you’ve published your blog post, you’ll need readers. To get them to your blog posts, you must look for them. Spread the word as soon as possible, otherwise you’ll have to rely a lot on organic traffic, which could take a while to build up.

Do you have promotion strategy? If not, take an hour or two to write a quick step-by-step plan you can follow whenever you publish a new blog post. Include sharing the links on your own social media accounts to place your blog posts in front of your online communities.

Also make an effort to share via emails, in groups, in forums and on other blogs. Create a list of all the places where you can reach your ideal customer. But don’t spam them.

Need help with your business blog?

Want to learn how to start a blog that won’t fail? Before you give up, have a quick chat about your blogging needs. Call me on 0416 513 843 or shoot me an email.

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